The German sociologist Wolfgang Streeck has an interesting argument on the German refugee crisis, which he links--via the problem of immigration-- to Brexit. It is short and well-worth reading. --it's a postscript to his longer review of Martin Sandbu's book. (Streeck has become an important public intellectual in the last few years, as a consequence of his penetrating criticisms of contemporary capitalism. He has a very pessimistic take on the ability of capitalism to survive. In that respect, he's a Marxist who has given up on the emancipatory power of the working classes.) See here and here and here.) His book Buying Time is well-worth reading. Miriam Ronzoni has a good discussion here. (Miriam's piece is available digitally from the library.)

As is:

The essay that concerns is us in this course is the shorter article linking German refugees, immigration, and Brexit. If you are writing on any of these topics, read it and the critique here.
I have a few thoughts about Streeck's argument (as expressed in the longer LRB essay and the shorter SPERI postscript on Brexit).
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